Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Went indonesia to run alway from the "Real Life" in sillypore...

Island on water...

Yes, this is their cooking stove

When the ang mo's inform the world that it's was them of have made the 1st vehicle that can be drove on water...

Well... the indonesia people beat them by have the 1st bike that can brave thur water...

But of course there are some places that they are not as good as the ang mo's here is 1 reason what they score the most records of sinking ships / boats whatever you called it...

Ever wonder where Yaohan went after they moved out of sillypore?
well, you can wonder no more now...
Blog entries/postings/comments/food reviews are solely the views/personal opinion of the author with no political ill-intent/offence to any members of the public

Stories of a accidental spy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss yaohan, in fact I still call Thomson plaza as Thomson yaohan till this day.