Saturday, April 30, 2005

Phone calls. On my off day

I was having the best time in my life sleeping late today and that is until My hand phone keeps ringing nonstop for the last 15 min. "Who the hell is that?" I was fighting hard to drag my sleepy A$$ out of my bed to answers the call and it turns out to be One of my sticky customer Mr. N.D wanting to play 20 questions with me again! I guess he is so "High" sharing with me his "bedtime stories" yesterday noon when he came to collect his car So high that he forgot to play 20 questions with me yesterday so he calls me up on my hand phone on my off day to make up the lost time The best part is He KNEW that it's my OFF DAY today.

Mr. N.D: "S, Err... I know it's your off day today, Err.. what are you doing now?"

S: "Well, I still in bed (Thanks for wakeing me up dude) By the way how did you find out It's my off day today?'

Mr. N.D: "Oh Sorry, sorry, you see I called your office just now looking for you and (You stupid Ape you knew it's my off day and you still call me what the hell is wrong with you, Mr. N.D?) Some1 in your office told me it's you off day today, by the way I have just 1 Question for you, (And what? must I thank you for waking up me up on my off day and thank you again for asking just 1 question and sparing me the other 19 questions?) can you tell me how come the engine oil is black? You see I Was checking the oil lever today as I was washing my car I notice the oil is Black. Is there anything-wrong yah?

S: "Mr. N.D, (I still in dream land) don't worry It's is normal because of the carbon and some of the waste oil is still in the engine and once you start the engine and drive the oil will turn black when it mix Together

Mr. N.D: "But, but it was not like that when the car is new and by the way I just clock Another 100km

S: "I agree that it's not like that when the car is new because there is no carbon build up Yet, but now your have 107k clock on you Speedo meter the is sure to have carbon Build up thus the engine oil will turn black faster after the oil change"

Mr. N.D: " I see, I see, so sorry for calling you on your off day yah."

S: "..."

Phone ring again... one of my sale guy call

S: "yah, what up?"

G.G : "Yo bro, did you use the fuel card to pump petrol for any of the showroom cars?

S: "Yeah, I did, you recall the misfiring yellow car? I top up $30 after replacing the Coil for test drive, what up?

G.G: " No, nothing boss just wanted to tally the bills"

S: "ok" (what the hell is wrong with every1?)

Phone ring... ... what again? It was one of my friends wee...

Wee: "Yo, S, what are you doing now?"

S: "Sleeping bro, what up?"

Wee: "Nothing, mate nothing, just waking you up to take a leak..."

S: "..."

Lesson learn: Switch off your hand phone on your off days...

Friday, April 29, 2005

Same shit different day

I was caught in a jam today while on my way to work, I was telling myself that it must be a serious accident in front but as I pass by the scene of the accident, I was like what the hell? It's just some minor accident on lane 1, but the jam is caused by this entire busybodies that not just slow down to watch the show but they "STOPPED" what the fish man? I can live with it if you monkeys stopped to lend a hand but you monkeys stopped just to watch? What the hell is wrong with you people? Next time if you monkeys want to enjoy this kinda of show, please park your vehicle at the nearby car park and you can watch all you want, what the hell are you monkey thinking at that point of time? What If there is some1 that is needed to rush to the E.R. unit but the white van was hold up by that stupid tail back you monkeys caused? If could be some 1 you know, and would you be happy if anything happen to that poor soul because of this stop and watch stunts of yours?


I call E.T today and informed him that the Mr K. the customer car whose he knocked into has found out that his car was scratched b'cos of the stupid stunts of his. E.T asked me to act blur about it after I told him that Mr K wanted his front bumper to be respray and on top of it Mr K wanted a replacement car while his car is in the paint workshop. E.T got jumpy and yells at me he will talk to me when he gets to the office.
When E.T got into the office he starts screaming and act as if he wanted to hammer me for his stupid mistakes. My other sales guy G.G was so worried that I'll get hammered by this monkey, so much so that he is standing by to break us up should we start to throw punches at each other And as if I give a shit of his screaming. I told E.T its fine with me whether he owns up or not as the customer has already call up and made a hell lot of noise to J.N my service manager, Upon hear this E.T back down and agree to pay for all the damages... haha I hope he really learn a lesson from this.

K.T was later informed about this and he told me this E.T have yet to settle the 6K repair bill with the company for the last accident he caused to the company car I was like "He what'? *Sigh* yo! monkey how many accident you need to clock in your name b4 you call it a day? Makes me wonder how the hell he got his driving license in the 1st place?

While I taking the God given much needed lunch nap today, My Foreman Mr J.F took some photos of me while I am fast asleep with my mouth wide open And later make fun of me by warning me that he will post them all over the places, he have this kinky look on his face that sent chill down my spine when he said that. Somehow I can't help but worry about what has happened to this good friend of mine, My guess is that he maybe going nuts for getting to much nonsense and pressure from this stupid manager Mr P.L nicknamed 5 min or 25 kid.


In the late afternoon Mr N.D came to collect his car... I was praying like mad that he will spare me from his game of 20 questions... And Guess what? he sit down and give me lesson on karma sutra for more that 1 hour... I Guess he must have a real good time last nite thus now he thinks he is doing me a "favour" by "sharing" with me his "skills" on the bed... What the hell is wrong with this place man? Why I have to deal with monkeys like this everyday? God please help me...


I was having dinner with M.J and was taken a back when she told me that B.L has resign from the company, The best part that sent me rolling on the floor is she tell me that B.L just slip the letter into P.L office as P.L thought that he can put off B.L's resign by not seeing him... wake up lah...P.L what can you do beside from siaming bullet, siaming customer, playing other people's backside and make people signing warning letter? Hey monkey, Too much A$$ kicking and balls carrying will not get you very far...

what is wrong with this company? 2 people resign in a week? Is there something wrong with the system, the management, or is there something wrong with this Mr P.L?


Like children everywhere, my wonder years consisted of good events, bad events, and many mediocre and neutral events.

Good times that made me feel good. Bad times that made me feel bad. And many events stirred little emotional reaction at all. However, my problem was that I discounted the good events, while elevating the bad ones.

I focused mostly on the bad events. They became like anchors - the pillars of the past. The defining moments of my life. Certain events would happen, and rather than simply feeling the pain and moving on, I would suppress and repress those painful emotions.

Paradoxically, while I denied the feelings, I elevated the events. I would take a painful situation and make it much worse than it really was. I Embellished My Past How do you embellish a painful past? Intentionally exaggerate its stature and importance. Like a play wright constructing a play, I would add drama for the effect it created. I would set the stage.

Get the lighting just right. Play suspenseful music in the background. Create a prologue -"The story you are about to see is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent..."Like one of those old Dragnet TV shows!I built it up any way I could. I made it sacred.And no matter what, I could *NOT* feel the feelings of those past events and let them go!

I needed those unresolved emotions to breathe life into an otherwise-dead past. I spent way too much of my time giving CPR to a corpse of the past. Ever given CPR? It'll really wear me out! It's hard to do it for very long; it's just too much work. But Imagine I have been doing it for decades.

I defined my life by those highly selective events of the past that were being kept alive ONLY by my emotional energy. I Was Giving My Power To The Past Thoughts and feelings are the very source of my power. My power - My ability and willingness to act - comes about because of the constant stream of my thoughts and feelings. Thoughts and feelings are constantly and consistently springing forth into my consciousness. A stream of thoughts. A stream of feelings.

Together they are the source of my power. I am using those thoughts and feelings to hold onto the past, And I have less power available to me now. Power that could be used to heal my motions instead becomes diverted into holding the past in place.

I Built My Past Into A Frankenstein's Monster Out of that handful of painful events I created a backbone. From the backbone I grew a skeleton.Surrounding the skeleton I grew muscles and skin and internal organs. I gave it a heart. I gave it a voice.All that growth required conscious effort on my part.I had to keep reminding myself of those painful events."I really was wronged.""I really was shamed.""I really was abused."Building them up and fleshing them out took a lot ofmy power.

But it was worth it. I got to feel like a victim. I got to hide in my self pity. I was entitled. Hey, I EARNED the right to engage in any errant behavior I chose.I earned the right to blame, to struggle, to manipulateand punish anybody I wanted. I earned my righteous arrogance because of my embellished pain of the past. I was powerless as a result, but that's okay.

I earned the right to be weak by all the effort I was expending to try to keep the past alive. I took the best of me and gave it to a past that didn't even exist.

I consciously choose to elevate certain (perhaps many) painful events of the past until they practically sit at The Right Hand Of God. I exaggerate their importance while at the same time I refuse to feel, express and release the emotional impact they created.I continue to hold the events in place now.It takes constant effort to keep the past alive.

I can't just set it and forget it - like a thermostat on the wall. I have to keep remembering it. I have to keep using today's power to reinforce the imprisonment of yesterday's power. I Invest In The Past The past is over, yet my power remains trapped in the emotional investment I've made in certain painful events of that dead past.

The past is over.As you read these words, most likely your parents are not standing there twisting your arms behind your back. Most likely, your ex is not beating you up between paragraphs.The past is over. But the very power I need to break free of those memories is instead being diverted into a much more sinister goal. I invest a lot of time and energy creating a Frankenstein's monster of the past, and it's become too big to handle. The power I need to heal the past is instead being used to try to keep it alive.

It's become a tangled mess. I guess I can't heal the past until I get more power. But I can't get more power until I heal the past. So what's the answer? I guess I will never know...
One flaw in women

By the time the Lord made woman, he was into His sixth day of working overtime. An angel appeared and said, "Why are you spending so much time on this one?" And the Lord answered, "Have you seen My spec sheet on her? She has to be completely washable, but not plastic, have over 200 movable parts,all replaceable and able to run on diet coke and leftovers, have a lap that can hold four children at one time,have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart -- and she will do everything with only two hands." The angel was astounded at the requirements. "Only two hands!? No way! And that's just on the standard model? That's too much work for one day.Wait until tomorrow to finish." "But I won't," the Lord protested. "I am so close to finishing this Creation that is so close to My own heart. She already heals herself when she is sick AND can work 18 hour days." The angel moved closer and touched the woman. "But you have Made her so soft, Lord." "She is soft," the Lord agreed, "but I have also made Her tough. You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish." "Will she be able to think?", asked the angel. The Lord replied, "Not only will she be able to think, she will be able to reason and negotiate." The angel then noticed something, and reaching out, touched the Woman's cheek. "Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this model. I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one." "That's not a leak," the Lord corrected, "that's a Tear!" "What's the tear for?" the angel asked. The Lord said, "The tear is her way of expressing her joy, her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment, her love, her loneliness, her grief And her pride." The angel was impressed. "You are a genius, Lord. You thought of Everything! Woman is truly amazing." And she is!! Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. They fight for what they believe in. They stand up to injustice. They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution. They go without so their family can have. They go to the doctor with a frightened friend. They love unconditionally. They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards. They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding. Their hearts break when a friend dies. They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left. They know that a hug and a kiss can help to heal a broken heart. Women come in all sizes, in all colors and shapes. They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you. The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning! They bring joy and hope. They have compassion and ideals. They give moral support to their family and friends. Women have vital things to say and everything to give. However if there's one flaw in women, it is that they tend to forget their worth.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

What is wrong with all this monkeys???

What in the world has gone wrong? And it's not like Friday the 13th yet what?

Today I replaced the coil of 1 of the showroom vehicle to fix the mis-firing at around 5plus pm today because those monkeys from the sales dept are hot on my heels for the whole day because they said that needed that car for a up coming road show, Anyway after I tested Okay and handed the car to the sales dept I went over to another office a few blocks away to do some housekeeping ... I guess some monkey must had left the headlights on and drained the battery, And this stupid duty Salesman just left the keys in the car on the main road and went home like that, without even any1 taking over the car... Stupid monkey... what the hell are you thinking at that point time? how are we going to account to the management should anything happen to that stupid car? Anyway I got the car started with the help of my foreman Mr J.F yeah man... thanks for helping me to get that piece of shit alive and safely park in the carpark in such short notice.

Then this customer whose car got knocked by my rally driver wannabe salesman, called me up and give me a real good dress down, Are you telling me that you only find out that your car got scratched after 24hrs? And what? do you think that rally driver wannabe salesman will own up? This customer himself is not sure or I should say he did not even know where the scratch come from? give me a feeling that he is playing "chicken" with me... by screaming on top of his voice at me... well I manage to get off the hood by telling him I will look into it and give him a call towmorrow

And as if I did not have enough shit for the day.... I was driving home and out of the blue there is this bunches of A$$ holes that just dashes out of no where across the road, causing me to slams the brakes and skidded... And the best parts is there is 2 other monkeys on bicycle who also try to dash pass like their stupid friends... What's wrong with these people? Do they have a death wish or what? I guess they wanted to get themselves killed so badly so as they can donate their "spare parts" to the needy... yo you monkeys you clowns can go get killed if you wanted, But, please don't do it when I am driving... Okay?
Customer from hell

Some customer that I have is a real pain in the A$$ man… There is this customer of mine Mr R.C. and he is like giving me Hell from day 1 since he 1st got the car.

Last week this clown sent in the car for service and AFTER 1 whole week he called just ONLY and told me that he believe that the engine oil was not replace b’cos the oil looks black when he check the engine just now… And now he demands that I should give him flesh new engine oil on the house for him...

I was like W.T.F man? You are telling me this AFTER 1 whole week? Hello, Mr R.C you trying to be funny or what? Mr R.C I suggest that you get your head checked at the funny farm near hougang…


Then there is Mr N.D who never fails or get tired of playing 20 questions with me whenever he sent in his car for service or repair…

The best part is this monkey always make an service appointment but always fails to turn up for the appointment on the agreed time and he always sent in the car at about 4 plus pm and expect the car to be ready by what? 5pm on the same day. Mr N.D you make appointment to get things done, So please turn up in time, that what and why you made appointment for…

Today Mr N.D did it again, made an appointment to come this morning but he only got here around 4 plus something “again”…. *Sigh*

“S, can you tell me how to remove this, this, this and that? “ Can you show me how by taking it apart and put it back again?” OMG, I was asking myself “what the hell is wrong with this guy??? It was like why? Why should we be removing stuffs and putting it back when there is nothing wrong with it? (shit where did I left that bottle of axe oil? And by the way Mr N.D why do you need to know how to remove and install these things? Anyway you don’t do this for a living.)

"And I feel the engine is not as powerful as it use to be, you get it retune and make sure it runs like a brand new... (OMG, for starters Mr N.D your car is already 3year old and had clocked more that 100k on the meter and you still expect it to run like brand new? by the way cars nowadays are run by E.C.U and you don't mess around with the programes in the control unit..)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh God, please have mercy on my soul.... I really had enough...

This is funny

My manager K.T called me into his office hands me a file and told me “S, This is a “EXTREMELY IMPORTANT PROJECT ”, But it has “NO BUDGET”, “NO GULIDLINES ”, “NO ONE WILL SUPPORT YOU” and it’s DUE first thing tomorrow morning. At last, here is your chance to really impress everyone!” “But” there is this catch… you get yours a$$ kicked if you screw this up…

Wah! Funny what have the world becoming to? It seems like I did not have enough bad news for a day…
Love the girl

Love the girl in your heart, not in your mind. If you base your relationship on feelings, it will fail for there are ups & downs in feelings.

Girls are there to be loved, not toyed around. Love her for who she is. Don't even think about changing any bit about her. 6 billion people in this world & 6 billion different personalities. She's special & she will stay that way.
You change any part of her, you'll change her forever. Don't substitute her for anyone else, they are just unique in their own ways. Love whole-heartedly. She sacrificed a lot for you so you'd better really treassure her. She could have just got up & date a so much more dashing guy in town but she chose you instead all because of love. So love her guys, not play with her.

Don't just get the girl to beg you to stay or whatsoever. If you're with her, love her. Don't cause a strain in the relationship, you'll end up loving each other out of pity or charity, that's not respecting love at all. Respect love the way it is & everything will be the best it can be. I've been there & I know how it feels.

Don't expect perfection from her. She's the only one in the world & she's done the best she could. Like another girl while you're in a relationship? Then I think it's time you remain single for a while.

Don't go around breaking girls' hearts, it's the most tragic thing to do. Tell the truth, never hide anything from her. If you want her to tell you everything, do the same. Don't go calling other girls "honey" or "darling", how would it feel if your girl calls other guys the same way? Be faithful, enough is enough. Socialise only when you're single. You socialise & flirt around is to get the girl of your dreams. Get it over when she's already yours, don't ask for more.

It never kills to be romantic. Think, be flexible.Getting that diamond ring isn't the only gift for her. Be realistic, she's human & she lives life just like you. Something sweet & simple always get the job done. Money doesn't exist between couples, it's the love. Never promise her that you'll love her forever because your forever might end the next day. Love her as if each day is the last. Sweet talking only applies for singles, not for attached guys.

Do that & you'll really break your girl's heart. It isn't good being too well-known too, it'll give her a sense of insecurity. Remember, INSECURITY. Promise her & make sure you never break the promise. Swear to her & make sure you live up to your word. Pledge your love to her & her alone.

Loving her is giving her your heart to break it but trusting her not to. Same goes for her,giving u her heart means allowing u to break it and trusting u not to. Instead, she'll cherish it & protect it. Should'nt you do the same thing as well? That's love. Give her your heart, your life, your everything. Lay down your life & prepare to die for her when the need arises. But stay strong & live through another day, she can never live without you. Never, ever walk out of her life. She won't just cry her heart out & carry on living as per normal, she'd die. Its her heart that you've broken, how would you ever know how she feels? Winning a girl's heart isn't the final victory.

Don't leave her once you've won her love. Love her all the way till the end of time, love her till marriage, love her till old age, love her till death. If you can love her till the end of time, you've earned the honor & respect for you've truly loved her. She chose you because she believes that you can fulfil your promise. Win her heart back & love her all over again
Stupid salesman bang into my customer’s car while backing his car like a F16 fighter pilot out of the parking lot, Mr E.T, you are driving a Subaru Ts not a Subaru STI! And for the record you had already Aces more that 5 accidents and you still drive like that? when are you going to wake up???

By the way our showroom car park is not your car park rally centre, how the hell am I going to explain to my customer about this stupid stunts of yours? God, please have mercy on me... I think I’m going to need more that just painkillers...
Another Guy has left

*Sigh* another sales Guy has resigned W.E.F today. What’s going on man? How come all the good people keep leaving the company?

I going to miss you Mr B.G you will always be my in house "holy but horny" funny guy..

Cheers mate..
What the hell???

What the hell is wrong with this stupid Account girl? Do you not understand the words that is comming out of my mouth??? what the hell is she up to? told her not to sent the debtors lists all over the world but she still do that.. And to top it off all the debt has been accounted for, But still after many times I explain to her but she still inssits that there are still outstanding bad debts..

I can't take it anymore so I put it in black and white and I sent back all over the world, guess what she cried in the office.. why b'cos I prove to the bosses that I am not the monkey sleeping on the job! hehehe.. Now she has some good explaining to do and I mean "Real good" :

Dear Ms V,

No offences to anyone...... (I hope)

I refer to the above-mentioned, please be advise that all the "outstanding" in the list you sent me is no "outstanding", please be further advise that they are all accounted for in the submitting list that I forward to you daily report. Many people believe that the truth is somewhere out there but for the last and this case please refer to my daily collection as the truth is in there. :) Okay, I am going to do this for you the last time :)

w028 inv 11 batch 01 visa.
w031 payment by nets
w041 sales draft 8913
w040 inv 16 batch 06 master card
w043 billing refer A/T/0103 or sales agreement
w045 inv 15 batch 046 master card
w048 sales draft 821
w083 sales draft 89
w049 inv 10 batch 040 master card
w093 payment by OCBC chq number 285

P.S : Can I have your handphone number, because I have tried in vain calling you a few time during difference time of the day for the last few days to explain the X-files to you ;) another thing please do not forward the Debtor list to Mr. J and Ms y unless there is a real need, It's okay with me that you forward any info to my boss if it is proven not right or I did something wrong, I can live with it.... but it's is not okay with me if you forward anything to my boss if otherwise or not proven........ by the way I feel sorry for you and myself for this case.......... sorry that I sound so unkind, but I have enough of bady sitting monkeys and noses wiping to last me for a very long time.

Do we want to send another lab mouse into a snake pit? or Do we want to sent in our own snake into the snake pit peak ?

Miss y, I am sorry that we got you involve which I think and believe you got nothing to do with this.

Thank you and regards


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A story of Fate -share to me by L

I believe every relationship in this world is built upon Fate. You reap what you sow.

Here is the story: There was a scholar who was to marry his fiancee. On the day of marriage, his fiancåõ changed her mind and married someone else. The scholar was devastated and fell ill. His family seek all kinds of medical treatment for him, but still he showed no sign of recovery.

They were about to give up hope on him when a wandering monk passed by. After learning about the scholar's condition, the monk walked to the scholar's bed and took out a mirror for the dying man to see.

In the mirror, the scholar saw a vast ocean, and the naked body of a murdered woman lay on the beach. A man passed by, looked at the body, Shook his head and left. Another man who passed by saw the body, took off his robes to cover the body and left.

Finally came a man passing by who saw the body, dug a hole and laid the body carefully to rest before burying it. The scene in the mirror suddenly changed. The scholar saw his fiancåõ in a nuptial chamber and another man was lifting her wedding veil...

The scholar blinked at the monk, confused. Slowly the monk explained, "The woman whose body you saw on the beach was your fiancåõ in her previous life. In your previous life, you were the second man who gave her his robes to cover her body. To repay your kindness in this lifetime, she loved you for a period of time and became your fiancåõ.

However, ultimately the man whose favor she has to return for the rest of her life is the third man who buried her. And that man is now her husband." Enlightened, the scholar sat up and recovered from his depression. It is truly amazing -- this thing called "Fate".

There was a movie in which the theme song went like this: "You can say it is a big world, you can say it is a small world. But for the promise of this lifetime, we shall spend our entire lives to fulfil." All of us are in this big grand masquerade, among the throng of people, we seek expectantly... in that ectrifying moment when our fingers touch, the masks are removed to reveal our true selves.

Before this moment, we were drifting aimlessly, not knowing what we really wanted. Till you meet this particular person, you finally realize what you really want is not what you have wished for in the first place.

It amazes you that standing in front of this person is a different you! You without any mask! Fate is not something meant to be forced upon. What is yours will eventually come to your arms; what is not yours will never come to be.

In any case, we should not lose heart and give up on our hopes for love that is true, good and beautiful. The value of life, in a certain sense, is determined by the maturity of how we love. Of how we give and accept love.

Treasure what you have... Time is too slow for those who wait; Too swift for those who fear; Too long for those who grief; Too short for those who rejoice; But for those who love... time is Eternity!

Dear L,
I'm really lost and confused, but thanks for telling me this touching story, guess I need not hide in the wash room to dry my tears once a while anymore, For many years I asked myself what happen, and I guess maybe this is the real reason that on the day of marriage,my wife to be changed her mind and married someone else. Anyway thanks for offering me a other explanation other than she married my other classmate for a merc SLK and a condo. and I am feeling better now.

once again I thank you for being where you are, other that being our IT support and many other reason.

please take care, I wish you best of luck in you search of "The One" and God have mercy on us when it comes to matters of the heart.

cheers you be in my prayers,
She wrote :

greetings from malaysia..

i've heard abt ch.. we email each other sometimes..but am surprise abt png.. tot the management dun really affects the xxx.. but maybe they're really tired of working for xxx.. sigh.. they're loosing the good and potential ppl..

did they hire anyone to replace rid, kur, roe n ch?? dun tell me u're the only survival there to handle all the job.. wat abt sa?? he stil there??there are plenty of changes ??? guess time really change..i know anw left. so as wng.. but am not sure abt hag.. i did not contact any of my ex-company ppl.. only some of u guys . guess everyone just got tired of under the umbrella.. when is ur turn?? as for my love life.. everything is still ok.. in fact we're considering to tigh the knot.. but main prob is we're working at different country so a bit difficult to meet.. but then its good too.. we'll tend to appreciate each other more..

hahahha..when u gonna find ur soul mate??? dun look too far.. sometimes the right person might be beside u.. :p

take care..Regards,


I reply :

Hello from Singapore..

Well guess all good things in life must come to an end, I guess many people left b'cos the management has promised incentive but was later was taken for a ride.

There is two new guy currently employ to do all the service job. andIt's confirmed that Md from the warranty dept has been axed.As for SaXXXX, Well he is still around but has been keeping a look out for the next better pit stop,as for me sometimes I have to help out here and there when necss and if any1 goes on leave or they need some monkey to do baby siting and nose wiping then my name will always never fail to be top on the list. I have been toying with the ideal to leave.. but guess have to stay put as I have yet to find a better job.. I can leave now if you give me a job loh.. I don't mind be your driver for starters..

I am happy for you that your love life is good and you are happy with yourcurrent bf ( wah! Is it me? or am I having sour grapes? I just mentioned I don't mind to be your spare tire, you so fast tell me you wanted to tightk not liao? Don't get me wrong.. I am really happy for you)

I have come to terms and peace with myself on wherether is there that"some1" for me somewhere out there or not? Maybe is like the story you sendme on the about this scholar in the "A story of Fate" guess I did not and no one had owe me anything in my last life.. Maybe that's the reason why I have yet to find this "missing piece" of mine.. Nowadays I will try to visit church wherever I got the time to be nearer with God and I guess the inner peace is something I believe that cannot be found anywhere else..I have seen enough life and death, enough parting and enough sad stories to last me a life time.. I guess this heart of mine had enough and It do notwish to be hurt again. I believe in God and I believe
God has everythingplaned and iron out for me, And so I guess I can only let natural to take it's course.

Cheers mate you'll be in my prayers...
There is this girl that I like so much but untill I have the "balls" to tell her what I feel about her she left the compary for good and return to malaysia and now she is telling me that she tighting the knot with another guy... God why? why must it be ME??? Did you not hear my prayer night after night? did you not see the tears behind my everywords?

When are you going to let me check out from this heartbreak hotel of yours ?

The meaning of life

The meaning of life is simple, to live, love, and learn.Live: Everything in nature is designed to live or to thrive or to help something else to live. There is even a species of insect that’s sole purpose is to be born, mate, lay their eggs, and pass on. Love: In every culture in the world there is at least some concept related to the idea of love. Love for ones parents, Siblings, Ken, Clan, Country, or Nation. It is a natural instinct to find companionship and it is one of our greatest necessitiesLearn: The universe is so grand and magnificent and endless. The only way to expand our selves is to learn as much as we can, what is the point in having the greatest technology when we don’t have the minds to understand it, at this point many of us don’t even have the minds to understand ourselves