Saturday, May 24, 2008


I was flying to a seminar in Hong Kong sometime ago. I was sitting in the plane next to a Philosophy Professor from Harvard.

He told me this story about how every morning he takes a leak right after his three-hour philosophy class. He flushed the toilet there'd be this tiny brown spider fighting for its life against the swirling water.

He came back the next day, flush. Same spider, clawing its way back from oblivion.

A week goes by, he decides to liberate the spider. Grabs a paper towel, Scoops him up and sets him on the floor in the corner of the stall. Comes back the next day and what do you think happened to the spider?

Dead, On his back, eight legs up. Why? Because one life imposed itself on another.

Right then I realized, where we stand. For the first time I understood our role. We don't impose our will. We don't impose our hopes on other people.

Well, I hope my "lost" friend will understand what I am trying to put though and stop standing on the wrong side of the yellow tape.

Blog entries/postings/comments/food reviews are solely the views/personal opinion of the author with no political ill-intent/offence to any members of the public

Stories of a accidental spy

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