Saturday, August 11, 2007


In this world you tried, Not leaving me alone behind...

There's no other way... I'll pray to the gods let you stay...

The memories of you ease the pain inside me, Now I know why all of my memories keep you near...

Do you know... in the silent moments... I alway imagine that you are here, Your silent whispers... silent tears... your promise to me that you will try to find your way back in this life...

Did you know... I hope there is a way to give me a sign you're okay, Reminds me again it's worth it all to live alone without you next to me. So I can keep going, living though another day...

Together in all these memories I see your smile... All of the photo we taken... all the time we spent together... all the places we visited... I hold you dear darling...

I wish that You'll know I'll love you till the end of time...

Blog entries/postings/comments/food reviews are solely the views/personal opinion of the author with no political ill-intent/offence to any members of the public

Stories of a accidental spy

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