Too Fast too Furious...
No News from the manager who is supposed to clear my walking cert…
Guess no1 really gives a shit that mine sorry @$$ is bailing out of this place…
Looking at the bright side… I need not fight with the bloody “beach” in my office, and no more “take their own sweet time sh1t” from the workshop, Best part… no more crap from all the “Never take NO for answer” customers.
1 of mine customer called today and “die-die” wanted to have the car back when in the 1st place I have agreed with her that the car can only be ready in a week time, and it’s only the 4th day of the week.
The funny part is the workshop also tries to be funny… I mean this car was in the workshop for a list of stuffs to be carried out and 1 of the thing is to remove the dashboard to replace the air con blower… Big deal, you think but how about taking 2 solid days just to get that done when most of the outside workshop can do it in half a day?
Guess these people can never open their own workshop and be their own bosses… FOREVER!
B.H is having a hard time with 1 of her customer because this funny customer wanted to retro fix a GPS system in the car when in the 1st place there is no software supporting the GPS…
And so… Guess somebody is losing sleep tonight for not be able to close the deal…
Sorry dude, But better luck next time…
I have a good laugh this afternoon because F.T told me that “some1” on the workshop had “fried” the air bag control of 1 of the car while carrying out some repair to that car…
Now they are trying to claim the air bag under warranty and the reason? “It just happened” and the best part… This statement is made by the workshop supervisor!
Power! And by the way since when these people own up that they are at fault?
Anyway, I have a look at the air bag and there is a already a tear line on it meaning the air bag is in state 1 standby mode and I am not surprise if the air bag will deploy should they are stupid enough to put it back in the car should the warranty claim cannot get though…
Aiyo… Thank God… I do not own 1 of these cars myself or I’ll be very worried every time I send the car to these monkeys for whatever reasons…
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