This is for all the whiner who always complains about his job but just can't bring himself to leave it...
Some 1 came to me today and starts whining to me that he think his working place sucks... Inside I was having a good laugh because the question "Why stayed on, when in the 1st place you are not happy?" is ringing in my head.
I mean Just resign lah! why think so much? life sometime pass by so fast that you be dead before you even know it if you do not slow down and look around once a while...
I was told by my service manager that another service manager from another department should be comming down to interview me tomorrow about me handing in the walking cert to the company in less that 6 months...
Funny! but will never see the reason why? Since I had made the mind to leave, I do not know what stunt or magic this guy going to pull to make something out of nothing?
Well... let see what happen...
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