Saturday, October 15, 2005


I have nothing against taxi... but I think the way they drive Sucks...


I went to PDI with G.N, G.G and S.T to collect some touch up paint for this Mr N.C today, while G.G and S.T drove back 2 cars from the PDI.

S.T was have a hard time with the PDI manager J.F about fixing an extra item on 1 of his customer’s car, I stepped in when both S.T and J.F starts raising they voices at each other. I pulled S.T one side and I asked him when is the customer collecting the car and he told me is within these 1 or 2 weeks. I told S.T let return to office and we will think of something together.

I got a call from another stickey customer on my way back from the PDI and I alighted at the workshop before returning to the office and replace a bulb for 1 of my customer's car, who always like to come on the very last minute on sat to carry out repair or replace things.


At last the food for today open house is here when I got back to office, but I Sian ½ when I saw what is serving on the table, but hey beggar can’t be chooser and so same shit is better than no shit.

Mr N.D cames to collect his car today and thank God he did not give me a hard time playing 20 questions with me for his mouth is very "busy" with the food the showroom had for today open house.


Finally, I saw the show “The Myth” by my all time Hero J.C. powerful sad story.

1 thing I learned today after watching the show is to tell who you love that you loved them and not put it over to tomorrow, for you may not have a chance to tell him /she how much you love them…

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