Thursday, May 12, 2005

Rush hour 2

I was nearly late for work today as I have oversleep again... Thank God that I made it in time for work today because K.T came into the office shortly after I stepped into the office.
One of my customers Mr. W.Y send in the car today for service and it was about 10.45 hrs when he sent in the car, the next thing I know he was like chasing me for the car around 11.55 hrs... Wah! When are owners like this giving me a break?


This stupid 5 min manager, have reported sick this afternoon, I have this feeling he is making Koh the new kid on the block to have a tastes of his own medicine, as Koh have pull the same stunts on 5 min few day ago, Good, I just can't wait to see them "Face Off"


Then... There this used car salesman that so hot my my heel as my boss have sold his old car to him, but the catch here is 1 of the key is missing and as usual some1 called me up and I am tasked to "get it solved" I have to hunt for the key from all the rubbish handed down from the Ex-office girls and Ex-managers... Thank god, I found the missing key and just that I thought I have shake this monkey off... he start asking me for free things... anyway I have no time for this shit... so I pass him to the part manager to "settle his problem"

And then... there is this car that went out with a key and like the above mentioned case I manage to find the God damn key but this time if seem that the key can't be used to start the key so the basic step to be carry out is to reprogram both of the key ... but if everything worked just as plan... It seem no matter how hard the mech tried he just can't get the programing right and after a few time of fruitless try L.W simply pass back everything to me and ask me to settle it myself... W.T.F man since when every1 start climbing all over me?


Boss came to the showroom to inspect the car kit the I fixed into the car yesterday, well if seem that he is not pleases with the way I installed the microphone and the LCD display... So he tear out both the microphone and LCD display and wanted me to do it his way... get a piece of wood and carve to shape and lastly wrap Pvc covering over it and tape the LCD display and the wood to the bash board...I called up a few sub-con but all of them did not want to take up the job for some reason unknown to me, anyway K.T did what he do best again by keep asking me "How?' and "Can?" I end up leaving the office at 20.30hrs today.

Basket, I think is high time for me to quit being "Mr Nice Guy" and "Mr Bao Kar Liao"

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