Sick and tired for keep finding my sorry @$$ in the wrong places everytime I step out of my house...

I got myself a Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers... And Still I keep finding my sorry @$$ at the wrong places... But at least... it did not happened as offen as before...
Today is another... whatever, I got another call from this Mr R.S (Who IMHO, this monkey is a blood sucker) telling me that his god damn car keep having white sports on an area after a repair that was carried out, when what the repair we did has nothing to do with the wing mirror.
The best part is this clown will go all out to get what he wanted... calling my teammate names, banging tables, demanding to speak to the bosses... Aiyah you name it...
Sometime I wonder what the point of making other people's life suck? for the fun of it? You should looked at the condition of the body and paint work of his car and you know what I mean... after a year plus over he complainted that there are paint work defects after sending the car to the workshop, but the panel he wanted to be repair is not the ones in our system's records...
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