How I wished that 1 day I can get on 1 of these... and left sliypore for good! this place which I called home is geting to much... to much for me to deal and handle...

some ang mo once said "Flying is magic, for it is 1 of the ways to be
nearer to the great man..." (Hell I agree with that but wonder when will I have enough green to do that?)
It was a hell of a day...
D.B was down with flu for the last few days and I get to cover his nite duty for the night.
Some funny guy took in too many appointment causing the places to be flooded...
Then, there is this funny customer that keep insisting that I should let him jump the queue and fix his problem 1st, He keep telling me it's my problem on what to tell the people with appointments that is in the queue waiting.
No matter how hard I tried to explain to him, he just can't get the facts right. (I told him I am unable to deal with breakdown due to short of man power and the place is flooded with so many people with appointment waiting)
I manage to get some1 to look into and fix his problem, when things settle down... and the next thing I knew he and his saleman ganged up and screw me for making him to wait.
The sale later told me that she will speak to the manager / management whatever...
Ask me it I give a shit about it... I'm die-ing to see what the top brass say about this...
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