Err... guess kids are really getting too smart for their age now... the only thing I hope is he/she will not got "ham-tham" for giving a "out of the box" answer, But hey you can find that word in any dictionary right? And so... he/she should not be faulted in the 1st places, But rather be given a "A" for being able to think out of a box.
"Sign" Guess we're not called "sillypore" for nothing as we've got ourselves another winner!
Rubber with turbo mode... a new product made only for "BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN 2"
Raining...Alot of cars came into today to report and claim insurance today not because of the heavy rain but rather... (this is what all the owner told me)... ... ... ... ... ...
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Crap... "Monkey learning to shoot" sighted...
This car rolled in while I am gasing up my ride today...
Damn... made my ride looked like biscuits tin on wheel...
Came across this thai bike on a drive alone to nowhere up north today... notice the rifle on the right of the bike's handle bar area? yes that's a rifle... Wah Lao Er... I wonder what's next?
Er... I don't know... but these monkeys is going to make their names known to the world 1 of these days and maybe to the F1 for being able to ride a bicycle this way... that is "IF" they don't get kill for riding on the wrong lane...
"The definitions of pride and courage are simple: Pride is holding your head up when all around you have theirs bowed, courage is what makes you do it."Sad... I go to work everyday seeing people who work here with a unhappy feeling... with what I'm not sure but it just gives me a treading on thin icy feel everything I steps into the place...Crap where did the Pride and courage that was taught in school went?