Friday, May 12, 2006


How...How I wish I own a bank like this...


A friend of mine is looking for a boyfriend but this guy must have the below mentioned qualites...

1) That dumb @$$ must be taller that her...
2) That monkey must be able to strike intelligent communication
3) This sorry @$$ must be able to take any if not all abuse that come in the way with the package.
4) This clown must be pleasent, persentable best is Tony Leong look a liked.
5) This clown must be afford a decent house, a maid, a car and some cash for shopping...

So if you think you fit the bill, Sent in your photo and resume, and the shortlisted will call up for a 16 week on the job interviews...

DO NOT call us we will call you, For we do not handle any phone calls.

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