Some say "Time can heel all pain... But I think "time cannot let you forget the pain but rather letting you getting used to the pain...

Nice light house... but where is the 1 that uses to share the view with me?
Damn! Is this the reason why I am left on the shelf because I always believe being the "Mr nice guy" ?
Real man must learn to club By Edwin Yeo April 24, 2006
It was revealed recently that Singaporean Alpha Women prefer manly men, and not mice. Which, of course, is trouble because Singapore men, as you know, are mice.
It's true. Where else in the world do men have to actually submit a written request to his wife if he wants to have sex? This is why foreign male talent like coming to Singapore. In a survey I remember reading somewhere (most likely in my own head), the following is the list of why westerners like working in Singapore.
1) Low crime rate.
2) The men are mice, so the women are ours.
3) Attica.
What I am about to suggest is important and it will change your life. At the very least, it will bring in chicks by the truckload. One of man's constant failures is that he never learns from history. And history, as they say, has a tendency to repeat itself. So if we were to learn from our forefathers, then the one thing we should do is this (are you ready?)
Always carry a club. Man has not been as dominant since the days we lived in caves and clubbed our women on the head. The truth is, this solves all our problems with women, especially Alpha Women.
Let me show you how this simple one-step programme works in almost all scenarios.
Scenario one:
Sexual demands. She says: 'If you want to have sex with me, please submit an application in triplicate with at least one clear working day's advance notice. Approval is solely at my discretion and usually dependent on my mood.'
Your action: Club her on the head.
Result: She faints and you don't have to ask for permission.
Scenario two:
Sharing of household chores. She says: 'I've had a hard day at work. I'm tired and hungry. Could you please do the household chores tonight?'
Your action: Club her on the head.
Result: She gets some sleep, which solves her tiredness and hunger. You get to watch football, drink beer and burp (all signs of masculinity).
Scenario three:
Going out. She says: 'I want to go out and meet my friends.'
Your action: Shout, 'Your place is in the kitchen' and club her on the head.
Result: She faints and stays at home. You've shown her who's the boss.
Scenario four:
Going out, part II. She says: 'I want to go out and meet your friends.'
Your action: Club her on the head.
Result: Now that you are one of the few rare alpha males, you will be getting all the women. There is no way you can take her out to meet your friends.
Scenario five:
Delusions of grandeur. She says: 'I want to participate in Miss Universe.'
Your action: Club her on the head. Twice.
Result: You don't get embarrassed by her inability to tell the difference between a parking ticket and a speeding ticket. It worked for our ancestors, it'll work for us. Remember, the bigger the club, the better the result. Any woman who tells you that size doesn't matter is lying and deserves to be clubbed on her head.
It's about time?
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