Woo... hoo... Finally justice is served... to the road bullys of sillypore... May your vehicle Rest In Peace and your insurance fee keep shoting up the north...
A great read...
Do you have any problems today that seem so huge that you doubt your ability to get through them?
Life throws up problems like that on a regular basis and our natural reaction is to panic.
Don't think I'm writing this for you from the stance of some super-human soul who can cope with anything life throws at him and thinks that you should do the same.
Far from it. I have my share of panic attacks as well! But I have learned one thing, and that is that however big the problem seems today, in a year's time it is more often than not completely forgotten.
The thing that keeps you awake now is rarely even worthy of a single thought after it has been dealt with. I'm not talking about serious medical issues, naturally.I'm referring to most business and general life problems.
Our world is horribly complex and the problems that come into our lives are just as complex. Sometimes they are so complex that we can barely see the beginning of them, let alone the end.
There is only one way to deal with problems like that. You have to break them down in order to sort them out.
Panic, and the inability to cope stems from mental overload and our initial reaction of seeing only the absolute worst possible outcome.
'Oh My, what if such-and-such happens, it'll be a DISASTER!'Well, such-and-such might happen and it might not.
But dwelling on the worst just paralyzes your thinking processand virtually guaranteed that the worst will happen.
Instead, if you chunk your problem down into bite-sized action point that you can deal with, right now, you can concentrate on the BEST that can happen after you've take this small action.
This does two things. It gets you moving towards a solution rather than hopping from foot to foot not knowing which direction to turn, AND it educates your mind to the possibility that if each step along the way has a bright outcome, then the final destination needn't be so dark either.
We could talk a lot about dealing with panic and apparently in surmoun table issues, and how they can influence so many parts of your life, but let's leave it there for today.
One step at a time my friend, take one step at a time.
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