Went returning car to a customer and saw this car at the carpark of my customer work place...
Now...This is what I call a car tastefully done...
Went to some 1 birthday party and realized that 30 is catching up on me in a month time... I was taken aback suddenly... looking back I try to recall is there anything that I've done to make myself proud? But sad to say...
I was stunted that My tag team reported for today when he should be on the In Camp Training or the resevice sh1t I called it, End up some monkeys at his camp had change his ICT date to the later part of this month but somehow my friend was not informed... Frak!!! burn 2 hour overtime claim.
1 of my workshop guy got me into some hot soup because he told 1 of MINE customer (this customer happened be some1 that was related to him or his wife pick 1 I'm not sure) that the car is ready when it is not...
Some time I cannot understand why people like to "help" me in such a way that I will get "Fired at"?
I was told that He "thinks" the car is ready because it is back in the workshop.
Yah dude... You think I though, who confrim? Did you ask me can the car be collected?
Ever head Assumption is making an Ass out of you and me?(Assume)
Now the owner is really pissed off and she told me that she will really come down with something real big and shaft it up on me where the sun do not shine on the day she collect the car....
Dude, if you are reading this I have this to say "Thanks dude, You have been a great help, but next time..." (I hope you know what I mean)
Remenber what I always tell you "Guns don't kill people, People Kill people" I am sad that you are learning the lesson on my expenses...
What have I done to you to get something like this from you? Nowadays I really don't know what the hell you have been though that change you so much? Dude, you are no longer the same guy I used to know...
I never expected that you will get me into this kind of soup... really not after speaking up for you when other people speak ill and condemning you...
Guess it is not enough nowadays even minding my own Business....
Had a few funny customer today, 1 of them just cannot understand the fact that there is no replacement car for the reason that all the loan car that we have been loan out and he even have the cheek to asked me to let him have to test drive car! He finally let me off the hook after I told him that he can have the test drive car but under the condition that he will sign a letter that he will buy over the test drive car it there is a scratch found on the car when he return that car to us.
The 2nd funny customer is even more funny, this stupid clown made me wait for him until 1930hrs when in the 1st place he told me that he will be collecting the car by 1800hrs.
While finally surfaces he starts his sh1t by not agree to pay for a $30 bill for the toping up of some oil, (and told me that maybe I should let him have the car 1st and if I can't get the bill waived he will come down and make payment) he even want me to call my boss at 1930hrs! to ask for waiver of the bill. (when it was 1st agreed that he will pay for the bill!)
I turn around and told him why not I save him the trouble that he have to come to the workshop and made payment when he can pay now, and if I can get it waived I will get the account to sent him a casher order? He got pissed off and told me that he is not paying for any thing and demand that I must hand over the car to him or he will sent some whatever sh1t to my boss and complaint againest me... Blah... blah... blah
Anyway I told him that I have done my part by waiting for him up to 1930hrs when he should collecting the car by 1800hrs and my call is either he pay fo the bill or he is not getting his car tonight.
This clown finally left with the car after paying for the bill at 1945hrs...
Sh1t I begaining to wonder how long I can carry on with a job like this?
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