I called C, this morning after spending a sleepless night, I know it is wrong for me to do something like this but somehow I hoped that I can come to a closure after doing this.
C took me by surprise when she told me that she has been expecting my call but she is only surprise that I only called her today… And so we talked about all the good times we shared together, and before we know we had spend about an hour over the phone…
Even after so many year I told her, I still cannot forget her and it’s like I Just don’t know how to quit her… she told me that she is touched by my words but… she asked me to forget her for she is no longer the same person I’ve know…
I was bought back to the real world when I overheard T’s voices in the back ground… asking her who is she on the line with and is she ready to leave for work? her replied was she is good to go and she is just talking to “another friend” … it was then I realized that this woman whom I love so much and talking to has already happily married to T’s and I am just “another friend”
We finally end the conversation after T kept rushing her telling her that they’ll be late for work if she do not hung up the phone and move off.
Did I have the closure I wanted? No, I don’t think so… But what can I do?
Went up to head office today, was busy minding my stuffs and there is this car that came out of nowhere cutting into my lane causing me to hit the brakes sending the vehicle spining 360...
Thank God nothing was broken when I exit to check the vehicle, Scaring the shit out of me I steer the vehicle to the correct direction and carry on with the road trip but all of a sudden I realized all lot of car is keeping a very "safe" distances and that is from me.
went to pray and give thank for not breaking anything and saw this sign when I looked up while on my way out of the temple...

Turn around and head for the shore.

Went to the sea side after dinner for the mood is worst that crap... guess the lights alway looked nicer on the other side of the shore...
By the way... "Friend" thanks for hanging out with me till late on my lowest point of life, when in fact you can hardly keep those eyes of yours open and yawing away with the mouth bigger than the Cro non stop...
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