Gee... This monkey must have pissed some off real hard... Or is it owners of BMW are some people who are really hard to get alone with?
The GM has come out new sh1t for me today... I have sudmitted the over time claim forms for my workshop guys and it was return due the reason that they want to know all the details of the car that the overtime is for, I was like "what? I can't even recall did I crap myself out 3days ago and how and I going to recall what happened from last month?
And so... as I was packing up for the day the GM who dis-appoved the claims came to me and asked me to attend to a customer with some problems with a car... I simply turn my back and reply "sorry, I off duty and since I can't claim the over time... please ask the customer to come back only on monday..." God the look on her face is "priceless"
Anyway, I guess it's really high time for me to look in the newspaper and look for a new job...
I went dinner with K.T’s Ex-classmate, and I must say I really learn something from her about life…
I learned today that many thing in life happened for a reason and the reason may not be known at that point of time, base on what she had gone though and what are the things she did to turn things around and how she will not dwell on it thus not letting it becoming a burden to her life (maybe for the fact that most of the time people cannot handle the truth very much they wanted the truth…)
Hey… Guess some of my prayers is answered for... and some things is slowly falling into place…
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