The Valentine's Day story...

Legend has it that every February 14th becomes Valentine's Day after a priest named Valentine.
Valentine was a priest in Rome, at the time when Christianity was a new religion. The Emperor, Claudius II, ordered the Roman soldiers not to marry or become engaged. Claudius believed that as married men, his soldiers would want to stay home with their families rather than fight his wars.
Valentine defied the Emperor's decree and secretly married the young couples. He was eventually arrested, imprisoned, and eventually put to death. Valentine was beheaded on February 14th, the eve of the Roman holiday Lupercalia. After his death, Valentine was named a saint.
As Rome became more Christian, the priests moved the spring holiday from the 15th of February to the 14th - Valentine's Day. Now the holiday honours Saint Valentine instead of Lupercus...
Agrr... It's the time of the year again... And as usual... I sitting infront of my PC sucking down Maggie Mee... (Banging my head while doing so) wondering why must it be me again?
The scent of a rose is a beautiful thing...
The face of a child, what joy it can bring!
But for all of my searching, even if I were king...
Only you and your love can make my heart sing...
Valentine's Day can be wonderful if you're in a strong loving relationship.
It gives you a chance to celebrate and reaffirm the love you share with another. Or, it can be a depressing time if you're lonely and alone. It reminds you of the fact that you DON'T have a strong loving relationship. One of the biggest lies we can tell ourselves is that nobody loves us.
"Nobody loves me."We've all felt that way at one time or another. Usually, the feelings pass and we realize yes, we are loved.Sometimes, though, we internalize the statement and it becomes a part of our identity. We start to believe it and we create other beliefs to support it.Then it becomes dangerous.
We step into the mud pit of 'nobodyloves me' and forget how easy it is to step right back out of it.See, no matter how much I might believe nobody loves me, I can always love myself. Somehow that never seems quite as valuable, does it?"
I HAVE to love myself, because nobody else does."But all love begins with self-love. If I don't love myself, then NO WAY am I going to let someone else love me.
Everyone on the planet is loved. It's impossible to not be loved.The trick is, how much do I FEEL the love?
We learn at an early age - love means pain. Love means struggle and sacrifice. Love means I must suffer. Love means I'm going to get hurt.So to compensate, we put up barriers.
We build walls around our hearts to keep out the feelings of love. Then when we say'nobody loves me' what we really mean is - I don't feel the love. The answer lies with loving ourselves enough to let down the walls that are keeping out the love that is ALREADY THERE.
Because love doesn't really mean pain. Rather, pain is often used as a substitute for love. If you have the love you can let go of the pain.
Saying nobody loves me is kind of like saying I have no air to breathe. A complete absence of love would kill you just as surely as a complete lack of air.
It's really not a question of 'am I loved?' but rather, 'how much of the love do I feel?' Which ultimately comes down to - am I willing to love myself? If I'm willing, then I'll find a way.
Maybe a good place to start would be to take some paper and pen and write it out. At the top of the page write -"Am I Willing To Love Myself?"
Then start writing out as fast as you can whatever pops into your head. Write quickly, without thinking about what you're writing. Write until you can't write any more. Take a break before you go back over what you've written.
You might surprise yourself with what you say. Especially when you write quickly, without stopping to analyze the words on the page. You'll probably learn something about yourself. It might give you a better perspective on things.
Check it out. After all, there's a reason why you're not attracting the person you want into your life...

Love is joyful When humour is there...
Love is playful When flirting is there...
Love is cheerful When smiling is there...
Love is careful When a stranger is there...
Love is wonderful When the feeling is there...
Love is beautiful When the heart is there...
Love is plentiful When sharing is there...
Love is blissful When romance is there...
Love is painful When selfishness is there...
Love is harmful When lust is there...
Love is faithful When trust is there...
Love is powerful When sacrifice is there...
Love is truthful When purity is there...
Love is prayerful When spirit is there...
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