Dumb and dumber?
K.T as usual
The next fun thing here is the parking, the drive way is super tight and the whole place is full of cars waiting for parking lots… Wah Lao… we managed to find a parking lot and we went up to the office only to find out some of the paper work is wrong after waiting for 45min.
I went back with my foreman and I was told by K.T that we have to send the amended paper work come tomorrow.
I informed both J.N and K.T my intention of leaving the company J.N asked me to stay on for he had hear from the management that there might be some major changes, and the company is giving out 6 month bonus and other incentive… I told him I really wish him all the best that he will get what he heard, but I would give it a miss by not staying around to find out how true is this.
K.T called me into his office and asked me “what is the reason that I am leaving” after I told him my grief he told me to think about it tonight and give him my final answer tomorrow, For his will not accept nor sign my resign and clearance letter until tomorrow.
I don’t know how can I convince myself not to leave… for the last 3 years there is not raises, bouns and AWS
Sometime I can’t help but really wonder am I stupid or what? This amount of work with the kind of pay I am given?
*Sigh* I be real
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