The bloody cargo lift has been down for months and K.T is only chasting for it to be servicable the last next days, because they are going to need to shift some cars for a comming road show... somethime I wonder when will this people learn not starting to look for shit hole, only when the shit is comming?

The funny thing is this lift roller door motor has been servive and repair for so many times that I had lost count, but till now it still go unservicable when we need to use it.

Guess what? the lift guy took off leaveing the shit just like that! and K.T is asking me when the lift is going to be servicable every 10 min...
yucks! I am not staying around to find out...
1 comment:
Jonathan Alter on How to Save the Big Easy. 09/08/05 Gregg Easterbook: Katrina may wreak its worst damage on Detroit--the car industry.
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