Some monkey got their @ss kicked by TP today...
K.T came to me last night before I bailed out from office and told me that he is having a road show at some shopping centre and he would like me to ready stay put to man the showroom office as he will be deploying most of the salesman there, leaving me with only 1 salesman in our office.
I told him that I may not be able to really “sit in” and not run around as I am having a lot of customers coming to day for service and repair. But he just told me to “help” him out.
Anyway… I was have a hard time with 1 of my customer at the main office when G.G called me up and ask me to return to office to cover him because he need to sent some part to his friend workshop for the accident car that was damage on 08.08.05.
I got back to office only to find out that G.G has took out and K.T was in the showroom manning the place.
At last G.G came back to the office and he told me that his total damage $700++.
I hope his customer never find out what happen to his car forever…
Mr L.W came today complaining that he can’t open the driver door from inside, after checking prawn told me that the both the door lock and cable need to be replace as they are found faulty.
I got hell from this monkey and to make things worst I got a cut while removing the old lock and put in a new lock to prove to him that the old lock is faulty I though that after I prove to him with the new lock he will agree to replace the lock and the story ends…
Boy I was wrong he asked he to take out the new lock and put back the old lock and I must make sure that the lock will work. I told him that I don’t do magic and so I put back the old lock and sent him packing with the replacement bill for the cable…
Bloody hell, it seen to me that this monkey never failed to give me a hard time whenever he sent in the car for something…
Bloody prawn is another funny 1, he waited till end of day then ask the foreman to tell me that 1 of the car cannot be ready today… Shit, what the hell am I going to tell the owner?
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