Monday, July 04, 2005


I came to work today only to find the keys for all the car is missing in the key press and the key press is left open like that over night....

... Then I notices all the car keys we have is left in the open in a filing tray... I wonder what will happen if some1 should just walk in and drives any of the car off...

I just cannot understand why some people just can't follow simply instuctions and what the hell the key press is good for when they can't return the key to the key press in the 1st place?


Plan all you wish. We humans can't help but plan things. Just remember that life's most treasured moments slip in the back door...and if we are too absorbed in our plans, we might miss them altogether, before they slip back out.


Basket, I was running late for work today again, and as I was on my way I saw an accident and I miss the light while passing the junction, Shit, is it green or red when I am passed though?


G.G came today and told me that he got news I will be move to the head office and he is happy for me that I will be “promoted” when that happen… Well I told him I am very sure that I will be “promoted as in more work and duty” but we can forget it if he thinks that there will be a “pay promotion”

Anyway I went over to the head office and the new warranty guy asked me about a warranty case that he has problem with, I took a look and found out that he had been Sabo by the K.L but as K.L has left the company there is nothing he can do but to clean up the mess…

How can you claim warranty for Air cond checking and the A/C gas? When there is nothing wrong with the air cond?

The funny part of this claim is K.L replaced the head lamp assy and billed the owner but he put the head lamp bracket and the adjusting of the head lamp under warranty claim, we went to J.N office to inform him about this issue.

Later I told that in order for him to end this once and for all, he should round up all the service advisor and tell them what can be claim and what cannot be claim… and make them do the paper work should they still keep making the same mistake again.

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