Monday, June 27, 2005

To much Initial D?

Some clown towed in the car wanting to make a accident claim...

I talked to the clown who crashed his car for believing that he can drive like the monkeys in the show "Initial D"

At 1st this monkey still put on a brave and cocky front by telling me how skillful he is to crash the car until like that but still can walk away from the car without a scratch...

But when I told him I think his car is a total lost case, his jaw drop and he started to cry...

Yeah! He start crying, asking me to help him and not to tell his folks about his accident...

I guess some1 is running home crying to grandma for total losting the family car...

Wahahaha... way to go kid, I think you're going to get grounded for as long as your folks lived...

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