Wednesday, June 08, 2005


“We have a “Broken Arrow” yesterday in the showroom at 1330hrs (broken arrow is a term they used in the USA when they have a missing nuclear warhead) for us it meant that we have a missing car key for a showroom car…

We did not know about the broken arrow until it started to rain and the duty guy need to get the key to wind up the window of that car which is wind down to keep the car cool under the sun.

For many reason I did not agree with the idea to park all the showroom car out in the grass patch and right under the sun…

1. The NEA people may fine us because we are parking on the grass patch.

2. The T.P or the police may fine us because some of the car is parking on part of the pavement.

3. The interior of the car maybe damage because of the constant exposure under the sun. (Many cars has their door weather strip drop out because of the heat from the constant exposure under the sun)
4. The bodywork of the car maybe damage because of the sunlight UV rays, rain and bird’s dropping.

5. The car maybe damage should any monkey drive up the kerb and knock into our cars.

The search for the key went on until 1500hrs where we found the missing key in another car… by that time the car is already wet inside out.

I strongly believe any of this shit would have not happen if we had leave the cars in the proper holding area in the 1st place, and now we may have to face the problem that there maybe a foul smell inside the cabin of that car after the carpet dries up.

But… what can I say Bols?

The in house @sshold has brought back a car with some defects from the PDI without checking, and now it is become my ‘baby”

AS if I give a shit about it, I am rejecting the car back to the PDI for all I care…


At last Both K.T and I is a happy man, I had all his tyres replaced and he got the sports rims he wanted… Shit, I just can’t understand why he can’t agree to the replacing all the tyres in the 1st place… and now after so much hassle he agree to change all the tyres when we can in the 1st place do it without going 1 big round of hide and seek…


I went to PDI with G.G to collect his customer’s car but as usual PDI has screw us up by telling us that the car is good and ready for collection when it’s not. Thank God I manage to hitch a ride back from the body centre guy.

Fcuk When is the day that PDI will stop screwing us up?


There’s this customer who claims that he has free service up to 45k but upon checking there is no paper to support his claims, so I refer his case to K.T and after checking K.T agrees to give him the 30k service free base on goodwill… K.T then asks me why things like that keeps happening. I told him he is asking the wrong person the wrong question in fact he should be asking the salesman why he did not ensure the sales agreement is in order?

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