Went up north and visited a dragon fruit farm.
This is how the flower looks like...
And this is the plant of the dragon fruit...
And the real thing...
Well... I think you must try the fruit yourself... for this one
Then went to pray pray...
The Goddess 0f Mercy from near
The Goddess 0f Mercy from far
And the King of four seas from near
The king of four seas from far
C, I do not know if you still recall this place...
Do you know the stars in the wind is still shaking the windows of that hotel room that we used to stay?
Over the room as small as me, the stars fill up the sky, shining brightly as though they are telling me don't be hurt too much. as though they are hugging me tight and comfort me,telling me to go to sleep...
And though I'm exhausted to the point where I can't walk, though my tears blur my vision. I'll still smile in front of my love that I'm not able to get...
Even though our happy times were short, I'll treasure it deep inside my heart like those countless number of stars embroidered in my eyes, forever...
C, Do you know...
These fishing ships that we once ride still sails...
The gold coin that we once walk though still stands...
The tides stills comes and goes...
The mountain still exist...
The Big fish still swims...
But you're no longer with me...
Blog entries/postings/comments/food reviews are solely the views/personal opinion of the author with no political ill-intent/offence to any members of the public
Stories of a accidental spy
Blog entries/postings/comments/food reviews are solely the views/personal opinion of the author with no political ill-intent/offence to any members of the public
Stories of a accidental spy