Monday, November 12, 2007


DAMN!!! Some Stupid Clown backed into my car...

Leaving deep scratchers on the headlamp and bonet...

Dude! whoever you are... I hope you get what you deserve...

Blog entries/postings/comments/food reviews are solely the views/personal opinion of the author with no political ill-intent/offence to any members of the public

Stories of a accidental spy

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Load Up...


Bang... Bang...

Hoo... Hoo... Hot... Hot... Hot...

Some do it with the leg wide open...

But in the end... This is the guy that score all the kills...

Blog entries/postings/comments/food reviews are solely the views/personal opinion of the author with no political ill-intent/offence to any members of the public

Stories of a accidental spy