Sunny...Lately I am feeling a little bit of loneliness a little bit of disregard, with a handful of complaints but I can’t help the fact that everyone can see my problems but instead of giving me a helping hand, they are helping to to dig my own grave, pushing me up the wall trying to kill me...
Day by day I try to be and do what people want to want, But it's like no matter what I do, how hard I tired... I just can't convince them, to just believe me.
So I let go, watching the world, turn it's back like it always do, Face away and pretend that I'm not. But I'll be here 'cause I'm all that I got.
I just can't feel the way I did before when everyone turned their back on me, when I won't be ignored? As time won't heal any of my damage, I starts to feel insecure and unconfident because many people don't understand I do what I can even though sometimes I don't make sense.
But it seem like no matter what I do, I can't convince anyone for once just to hear me out, time has been valuable thing... and now I watch it fly everyday by as the pendulum swings, I looked at my watch as it count down to the end of the day... The clock on the punch card unit ticks my life away...
It’s so unreal... as I watch the time go right out the window and try to hold on but I didn’t even know that I have wasted it all just toWatch it go...
Stories of a accidental spy