I found me, myself and my Sorry @$$ at east coast the whole day as there are going to be alot "monkeys" comming over the my place and they will sure ask me many stupid questions that I getting tired of answering of for many years... Suddenly as I was leaving for home I saw these writing on the sand... and they read as below...
随遇而安,随缘生活.随心自在,随喜而做...Answers from the top?
Good bye, whatever year... Welcome the year of the Dog... AND SO... Happy Chinese New Year!!! (I hope...)********Just got home after some late night KTV, I suddenly realized that there are so many people out there who is as unhappy as me with life... I begin to ask myself what is the real meaning of life, When it is so short, weak while happines is so little? Maybe some1 up there can tell me in my dream later...********
I drove over to malaysia as I did not want to be ask of the same old question by the same old people again every chinese new year... and so I found myself ended up by the sea side near J.B... There is a saying that the grass is always greener on the other side but when I tried to look at it over malaysia side... I still think the grass where I am standing on there and then (which is the malaysia side) is greener then the other side... Don't agree with me? check the photo above then...
Sunny...Nowaday I really got this @$$ tearing feeling wherever I report to work... like this poor @$$ in the below photo shown... (At least he knew that it was Kong that who screwed him... While I still have no clue who is that mother Farker that keeps setting me up?)

I reported to work today and found that some monkeys has "volunteered" me without me knowing to collect 2 car from 2 different ends of sillypore...
What The Fish man? I really wonder how come I am the clown that keeps getting this kinda of shitty deals?
Anyways, after I returned from collecting the 2 car, there is this mother farker customer come driving in his car at the 11 hours telling me to fix his car problem!
I got laid by him (farked) when I told me that we are not able to fix his problem because it is late and we are on half day, plus we need to do more test to find out what is wrong with the car...(who the hell wants to do overtime on the chinese new year eve anyway?)
Then, I have another blood sucking customer who agreed with me that he will come and collect his god damn car before 1230hrs... and guess what? this S.O.B didn't show up even at 13.15hrs, he told me that he is on the way and he will reach my office in 10 mins when I called him again telling him to collect his car after the CNY holiday...
End up... this stupid mother farker only show up at 1423hrs... and he start telling me that there are defects in the front part of the car when the repair we did is on the rear... then he wants me to show him the records of what is done to his car and so on so for... draging and wasting my time... When I should be at home kicking my legs at home or something...
In the end... I left the office at 1520hrs on the CNY eve when every1 went home at 1230hrs...
Stupid customers I wish your god damn car will end up around some trees with your sorry @$$ in it this coming CNY!
Mini wannabe???******** Another shitty day in the office, I suddenly realized that some monkey in my office is starting to push his work to me... without me knowing it... another thing this this clown went up to the boss and give her the idea that me and 1 of my other service guy should work in shift... and the timing is 1 of us should start at 0730am - 1630pm and the other guy will start at 0930am -1830hrs... and his reason is "Customer Service"Agrrr... what the hell is wrong with this monkey? scoring points with the boss by pushing me and my teammate to hell? Bloody Hell to you dude...
After braving with me though rain and shine for good 4 years... I bid final good-bye to my trusty old van 2day ago...
Dude I will miss the good times that we had together and you will be deeply miss by me... wherever you are... I hope to see you on the road 1 of these days...
This 2 monkeys is either tired of living or they really can "fly" or something... I pray their boss and this 2 dumb and dumber will reach where they wanted to and they will not get stoped by the traffic polices...
pinky... pinky...
I was told by my salesman that I can collect my new vehicle tonight and not by the end of the week, Because of some god know what reasons... anyway I went down to his showroom afterwork today and sad to say I saw alot scratchers all around the vehicle bodyworks... Haizs... I went totally sians and I just tranfer all my stuffs from my old ride to the new vehicle.I kept telling myself that I should not cloud myself with this kinda of stuffs and I return home after having dinner with him later in the night...Anyway I'm going to buy some 4D of the new numder plate of this vehicle... So please wish me luck OK?
Hoo...Hoo...This is sure a car to die for...
你真的忘的了你的初恋情人吗? 假如有一天,你遇到一个和他长得一模一样的人,这还有可能吗? 这是命运的宽容? 还是另一次不怀好意的玩笑?I saw some1 that looked very alike to C, in the office and to make matter worst she turns out to be 1 of our staff... Suddenly I felt the floor I am standing on starts spinning and all the memory about C starts comming back to me...All of a sudden, I realized it's all crap that I am telling myself that I can carry on with my life without having C by my side...For sometime I have move from places to places trying hard not to be reminded about her and just when I thought that I had her out of my heart... Now I have to deal with having to work with some1 looking so alike her everyday in the office...
Sunny...I went to KTV with my gang... and come across this cool song.... how I wish I really have that kind of money....若是我有一百万,一百万我有一百万, 一世人就轻松
没讲没人知,讲就真尴尬,吃到那么大漢 (吃到那么大了)还没曾坐飞机
打拼了多年,没车没房 也没爱人,看人娶妻 还做生意,有钱也有势
若是我有一百万,我会坐飞机,我会游世界,hawaii 晒太阳,日本吃 sushi若是我有一百万,我会买车买房,山珍和海味,谁人有福气,来给我做妻
没讲没人知,讲就真尴尬,吃到那么大漢 (吃到那么大了)还没曾坐飞机
打拼了多年,没车没房 也没爱人,看人娶妻 还做生意,有钱也有势 若是我有一百万,我会坐飞机,我会游世界,義大利喝咖啡,路边吃 spaghetti若是我有一百万,我会买车买房,买店来收租,空闲免做工,帶狗去散步若是我有一百万,一百万若是你会需用钱,开口别客气,
若是我有一百万,一百万喂,朋友啊,你以为一百万 很多啊 ?
But I guess this is what I have for now...
Sad... But very true...
Raining...After working 2 month with my new office I realized the customers that I was dealing with last time... is not more than...
And it's a total different new ball game that I am playing nowadays... For I am now dealing with the... "GREAT WHITE"
I came across a "mother farker" owner today wanting to claim warranty for wearing out his brake disks and pads due to his Stupidity, he kept telling me that he don't give a sh1t for his car is under warranty and he have inform some1 about this but nothing is mentioned when I checked all his service records... The best part is that he called another department to complain about me... when in the 1st place all this shit has nothing to do with me...Sometime I cannot understand what is going on in the brain of these monkeys? I guess maybe his mother must have drop this dumb @$$ on his head when he is in his childhood days thus causing him talking like a @$$ hole.
Err... I not sure but I be very worried if any kid I knew hand up this kind of home work...
Raining...Lessons on LifeThere was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.
The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall. When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.
The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.
The second son said no it was covered with green buds and full of promise.
The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.

The last son disagreed with all of them, he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfilment.
The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but only one season in the tree's life.
He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.
If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfilment of your fall.
Moral lessons: Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Don't judge life by one difficult season.Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time or later.
Raining...C... It's hard for me to deal with the pain of losing you... Now I'm trying my very best to deal with it everyday...It's hard for me to force that smile when I see our old friends together while I'm walking all alone by myself...
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out when I'm alone...I'm not afraid to cry but once a while it still upsets me when I called out to you only to reminded that you are no longer with me... Every now and then I try to pretend that I'm okay but I guess...
New Bimmer Model? (BMW swift?) Identity crisis? I don't know but maybe it's like the parrot in the movie "102 Dalmatians"...
AGRRR... Resturant menu from a 3 star hotel... Don't ask me why, but I am not ordering any food from this hotel resturant...********
I only get to know today that a honda city is "faster" that a "FALARE" Haiz... what happened is this morrning I asked this guy to give me a ride to collect my vehicle at the end of the day as I have park my ride some distance alway the office...And so my dear friend said ok onz lah... But before the end of the day he took off and left me waiting outside our office like a dumb @$$ till 1930hrs then I realized that this monkey not is comming back but maybe after the holiday on wed.... And by then I called him on the cell phone to find out whats up and he was telling me " WOW...Dude, the show "Gone In 60 Sec" showed on ch 5 is so cool so cool..." Agrrr... I think he should be thanking god right now for I did not know where he stays... or I be up at his place and return the "GOOD WILL" he showed to me by make me waiting like a dumb @$$ in the rain for more then 1 hour...Never mind... Brother, "What goes around... Comes around..." Someday I will return the "GOOD WILL" you have shower on me...
I come across this "Cool" "Seiko" Vtec type R watch with a build on boost gauge meter while I was on a window shopping trip today...

And so... I was told by the shop sales preson that with the help of this watch... 1 is sure to know when the Vtec of the honda really kicks in everytime (Even the Vtech you sits in, did not have any boost gauge installed...)Ha...ha...ha...hee...hee...
Guess people has been watching too much car racing movies of late... and so we have another winner who has succesfully lost his car because he thought that he can drive like the monkey in the show...
Dude... what you saw in the movie is bull sh1t... what happen to you is no sh1t...
but hey... there is a old saying... Sometime you got the bull... And sometime the bull got you...
冬去春来,似水如烟... 情若已逝,空留遗憾...I saw my Ex girl-friend today, She came up to me and said "Hello" Suddenly I was lost for words... Choked back in my tears she left me with "Have a nice day"
Now she is gone... But the pain goes on... Though out the day I can feel as if she is whispering to me through the shadows... Suddenly... I found myself in a silent scream no one could hear...
AGRRR...Guess it is going another long and sleepless night...********
Wonder what the traffic police have to said in they get to see this clown on the road in sillypore?
This is the 2nd time that this cab was sighted... I wonder how soon is it before it starts to "Voo... psst.... Voo... Pssst...
Same sh!te different day... Today I got stuck with my manager and 1 of my customer... My boss did not want to give way to something until this customer called up and went " YOU TRYING TO BE FUNNY, IS IT?
Haiz... WTF is really wrong with this compary?

3 very good reasons to sign on as a traffic cop in japan...
I have a hell of a busy day with all the customer who rush to sent in their car 1st thing this morning after the long holiday... and now I still can smell my @$$ smoking... with all the customer "friendly fire"
I hope tomorrow is not this same old sh!t again or I really need to see a doctor for my sore @$$...